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Wednesday 9 November 2016

US Election Live: Trump Wins US Presidential Election, Clinton Concedes

Donald Trump addresses supporters as United States President-elect.

“Hillary fought very hard. She has worked very long & hard over a long period of time. We have a sense of gratitude for her service,” #Trump says in speech after victory.

“It is time for us to come together as one united people.

“I pledge that I will be president to all Americans. We will rebuild our infrastructure which will become by the way second to none and we will put many of our people to work as we rebuild it

“We must reclaim our country’s destiny.

“While we will always put America’s interest first, we will deal fairly with everyone.”


Republican Donald Trump wins Pennsylvania


Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton calls Republican candidate Donald Trump, to concede the election and to congratulate him on his victory.


43 states now called.

Donald Trump leads with 245 electoral votes while Hillary Clinton trails with 218.


Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, tells supporters: “We have nothing more to say tonight” as he sends supporters home.


The Republicans have kept control of the Senate, with several races still to be decided.

Senator Pat Toomey’s narrow victory over Democrat Katie McGinty, in Pennsylvania, pushed the party over the line.


Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump needs 26 more electoral college votes to emerge winner.

There are nine states left to go.


Republican Donald Trump wins the key states of Florida, Ohio and North Carolina, while Hillary Clinton wins Virginia, California and New York as counting continues across America.

From 41 states.

A final result is expected soon.


40 states called.

Donald Trump wins key swing state Florida and Utah.

Shoots ahead with 228 electoral votes. Clinton trails with 209.


36 states called.

Hillary Clinton wins Oregon with seven electoral votes. Now leads Donald Trump with 197 to 187 electoral votes.

A candidate needs 270 electoral votes to emerge winner.


Hillary Clinton takes California with 55 electoral votes and shoots ahead with 190. Trump has 187.


Hillary Clinton wins Colorado with nine electoral votes.

31 states called.


Democrat, Hillary Clinton wins Virginia, and is projected to win 13 electoral votes to reach 122.

Electoral votes count now 168 for Trump, 122 for Clinton.

30 states called.


Republican Donald Trump wins Ohio which offers 18 electoral votes.

Now has 168 electoral votes to Clinton’s 109

29 states called. Florida, North Carolina others remain tight


North Carolina, Michigan and New Hampshire are emerging as key battlegrounds as figures remain tight between both candidates.

Florida remains too close to call.


Democrat, Hillary Clinton tweets as results trickle in.


US Election Live: Trump Wins US Presidential Election, Clinton Concedes

CDonald Trump addresses supporters as United States President-elect.

“Hillary fought very hard. She has worked very long & hard over a long period of time. We have a sense of gratitude for her service,” #Trump says in speech after victory.

“It is time for us to come together as one united people.

“I pledge that I will be president to all Americans. We will rebuild our infrastructure which will become by the way second to none and we will put many of our people to work as we rebuild it

“We must reclaim our country’s destiny.

“While we will always put America’s interest first, we will deal fairly with everyone.”


Republican Donald Trump wins Pennsylvania


Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton calls Republican candidate Donald Trump, to concede the election and to congratulate him on his victory.


43 states now called.

Donald Trump leads with 245 electoral votes while Hillary Clinton trails with 218.


Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, tells supporters: “We have nothing more to say tonight” as he sends supporters home.


The Republicans have kept control of the Senate, with several races still to be decided.

Senator Pat Toomey’s narrow victory over Democrat Katie McGinty, in Pennsylvania, pushed the party over the line.


Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump needs 26 more electoral college votes to emerge winner.

There are nine states left to go.


Republican Donald Trump wins the key states of Florida, Ohio and North Carolina, while Hillary Clinton wins Virginia, California and New York as counting continues across America.

From 41 states.

A final result is expected soon.


40 states called.

Donald Trump wins key swing state Florida and Utah.

Shoots ahead with 228 electoral votes. Clinton trails with 209.


36 states called.

Hillary Clinton wins Oregon with seven electoral votes. Now leads Donald Trump with 197 to 187 electoral votes.

A candidate needs 270 electoral votes to emerge winner.


Hillary Clinton takes California with 55 electoral votes and shoots ahead with 190. Trump has 187.


Hillary Clinton wins Colorado with nine electoral votes.

31 states called.


Democrat, Hillary Clinton wins Virginia, and is projected to win 13 electoral votes to reach 122.

Electoral votes count now 168 for Trump, 122 for Clinton.

30 states called.


Republican Donald Trump wins Ohio which offers 18 electoral votes.

Now has 168 electoral votes to Clinton’s 109

29 states called. Florida, North Carolina others remain tight


North Carolina, Michigan and New Hampshire are emerging as key battlegrounds as figures remain tight between both candidates.

Florida remains too close to call.


Democrat, Hillary Clinton tweets as results trickle in.


24 states called.

With Trump projected to have captured Texas and Clinton taking New York and Illinois, Trump has 129 electoral votes and Clinton has 104.


Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton waging a close battle in several crucial battleground states. Florida has been a tight battle.


15 states called.

Hillary Clinton leads with 68 electoral college votes, while Donald Trump trails with 66.


With votes in 14 out of 50 states, Hillary Clinton leads with 68 electoral college votes, while Donald Trump trails with 57.

The projection for Donald Trump is from the states of Missouri, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Tennessee.
Hillary Clinton has New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia.


Donald Trump takes the state of West Virginia in addition to Indiana and Kentucky.

This projects electoral votes for Trump up to 24 while Clinton has three.

Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump has won two states of Indiana and Kentucky while Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton has clinched Vermont.

Trump’s win in the two states have earned him 19 electoral votes while Clinton has three electoral votes.

The wait is almost over for most American citizens itching to find out who becomes the 45th president of the United States as polls are closing across the states.

Results are expected to start coming in from the polls.

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