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Sunday 18 December 2016


• Apologizing when you're wrong is always the right thing to do. Don't give excuses. Don't seek to blame others. Don't be tempted explain. Just apologize and take 100% responsibility for your actions.

• An eye for an eye will leave both husband and wife blind. Learn to overlook minor offenses and to forgive your spouse.
Love is an endless act of forgiveness.

• Don't turn your bedroom into a courtroom. Quarrels and arguments have no place in the bedroom. Let your bedroom be a place of peace, love and intimacy

• Do not let your parents and your siblings, and your friends interfere in your marriage. Anything that you share with parents, siblings and friends behind your spouse's back is defiling and weakening the sacred bond that exists between you and your spouse.

• Marriage is Teamwork. Marriage flourishes when both husband and wife understand that winning together is more important than keeping score

• True marriage oneness cannot be achieved by married people who do not practice financial oneness. Whatever you do separately, will separate you. Do things together.

• Be romantic Show your wife that she is your BAE "Before Anything Else

• There is no my money or your money in marriage, regardless of who earns more or less.. Even if only one spouse works outside the home and earns all the money, it's still our money.

• You're not married to an angel. Accept your spouse's imperfections. Marital happiness is not automatic. It takes the combined effort of husband and wife to make marriage work.
The perfect marriage is one that is made up of two imperfect people who are held together by a Perfect Savior.

• One of the most loving and sweetest things you can do for your spouse is to pray for him/her thanking God for bringing him/her in your life.

• A husband and wife who pray together, plan together and play together share a deep level of intimacy that cannot be created any other way.

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