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Monday 30 January 2017


Plane travel would be a lot more fun if you could buy out the plane … well, one Saudi prince did just that, and brought along a few friends.
Reddit user lensoo shared a photo a friend of his took on a plane:
“My captain friend sent me this photo,” they said. “Saudi prince bought ticket for his 80 hawks.”
The photo demonstrates just that: 80 hawks on a plane with their owner.

Friday 27 January 2017

Boko Haram: Female bombers now use babies as cover – Military warns Nigerians

The Defence Headquarters on Friday alerted Nigerians to a new tactic being adopted by female suicide bombers in the North East.
Brigadier General Rabe Abubakar, Acting Director Defence Information, in a statement said such bombers were now evading detection from security operatives by carrying babies on their back, which ordinarily passed them for innocent nursing mothers.
“The two recent suicide bomb attacks in Madagali, Adamawa State are instructive in this regard,” he said.
“The DHQ wishes to seize this opportunity to appeal to members of the public to be patient and cooperate with the military and other security agencies while carrying out thorough security search and checks as the essence is to nip in the bud the murderous intention of the Boko Haram suicide bombers.
“The DHQ wishes to state further that the usual traffic “go-slow” at military and security check points as a result of rigorous security checks are not meant to cause public discomfort or a deliberate action to induce traffic disruptions on our roads, but an effort put in place towards protecting the lives and properties of our innocent citizens.
“Members of the public are therefore urged to always volunteer useful information to the military and other security agencies that would assist in exposing Boko Haram and their evil machinations in our society and to make our communities safe and secure for all to live”, he stated

New gadget could help couples get pregnant

Now help is at hand in the form of a Fitbit-style wristband that the inventors claim can identify when a woman is at her most fertile with almost 90 per cent accuracy.
It is the subject of countless jokes and sitcom scenes – but knowing the best moment to leap into bed and try for a baby is a serious matter for many couples.
Now help is at hand in the form of a Fitbit-style wristband that the inventors claim can identify when a woman is at her most fertile with almost 90 per cent accuracy.
The Ava device recognises when a woman is about to ovulate by detecting subtle changes in her body, such as resting heart rate and skin temperature.
The woman wears it while she sleeps, takes it off in the morning and sends the data to her phone.
Its inventors believe the £199 gadget, which is due to be launched in Britain this week, will take the guesswork out of conception and replace the messy and inconvenient urine-test method that many women use to determine their best time to have sex.
Dubbed the ‘fertility Fitbit’, the Ava looks like a watch.
The device monitors nine variables which change slightly throughout the menstrual cycle. These include resting heart rate and skin temperature, which rise as the body prepares to release an egg.
It also measures breathing rate, the length of sleep, and movement during sleep. Individually, each of these signals has limited value in determining if a woman is at her most fertile.
But tracking them together means the wristband can identify this ‘window’ with surprising accuracy.
A year-long study of 41 women, carried out at the University Hospital of Zurich in Switzerland, found it was 89 per cent accurate at predicting their most fertile five days of the month, as determined by hormone levels.
Lea von Bidder, 26, president of Swiss-based firm Ava, said trying for a baby could be ‘a very stressful and frustrating experience’ for women. She claimed the Ava would allow them to ‘understand the signs their body is giving them’.
But Professor Adam Balen, chairman of the British Fertility Society, questioned whether it would help.
He said: “Sometimes these sorts of devices can just cause more stress by forcing people to have sex at a particular time, and that’s not really healthy.”
Couples hoping to conceive should simply have lots of sex throughout a woman’s cycle, he added, as ‘fresh’ sperm was best at fertilising the egg.
And he said: “If a woman has a regular cycle, her fertile days are predictable.”
A new ‘hands-free’ breast pump is set to revolutionise the way new mothers feed their babies. The invention, which comes complete with Bluetooth wireless technology and its own mobile phone app, collects milk in a pouch that fits inside a maternity bra.
*Adapted from DailyMailUK Online

APC gives Bello 4-week ultimatum to pay Kogi workers

Yahaya Bello
The Kogi State Chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has given the Governor of the state, Alhaji Yahaya Bello four weeks ultimatum to reconcile the on-going staff audit in the state.
Sen. Dino Melaye (APC-Kogi West), who spoke on behalf of the party gave the ultimatum at a news conference on Friday in Abuja.
He said that staff audit the world over was a periodic exercise to monitor and evaluate public servants for promotions, retirements, new employment opportunities and elimination of ghost workers.
According to the chapter,the strategy adopted by the state government has in the exercise has caused so much pain among the genuine civil servants, rendering them jobless and without salaries for almost a year.
Melaye called on the governor to pay civil servants, pensioners and other concerned workers all their entitlements for the past one year.
He said that with the N30 billion bailout given to the state government, its workers ought not to be subjected to any form of hardship.
He said: “The bailout fund is primarily meant for those purposes, while part of the N 11.2 billion Paris Club refund was also aimed at ameliorating the suffering of our people.
“Any attempt for Yahaya Bello to think otherwise in this regard, after four weeks from today, will be met with peaceful revolution across the 21 local government councils.
“About 80 per cent of workers’ salaries and entitlements have not been paid since January 2016.
“We urge our civil servants to be patient and be very law abiding till the next four weeks.
“We also call on the state government to re-order the priorities of state in line with the needs and aspirations of our people.
‘’The solar street light, the Revenue House and SDG Office, being celebrated for 1 year in office for example, have no tangible value and cannot put food on the table of our people.
“All the public hospitals were filled to maximum capacity in the last eight months, until some few days ago when the Nigerian Medical Association officially called for their closure.‘’
He traced the development to ‘’non-payment of salaries and lack of needed drugs.’’
The lawmaker also expressed concern that rather than enjoying the dividends of democracy, Kogi indigenes were subjected to pains.
Meanwhile,the state Auditor- General, Alhaji Yusufu Okala, has said that the state lost approximately N213,034,857,280.44, to “ghost workers/unintended beneficiaries.”
He disclosed this when the Staff Screening & Validation Committee, jointly led by him and the Auditor-General of the Local Governments Areas, Malam Usman Ododo, submitted their report to Bello at a Stakeholders’ Forum at the Government House, Lokoja, July 25, 2016.
Okala said, “As at the time of inaugurating the Staff Screening and Verification Committee on Feb. 22, 2016, the total staff on the nominal payroll of the state (State MDAs and Local Governments) was 88, 973 with monthly wage bill of N5, 809,578,703.72.
”After the conclusion of this exercise on July 24, 2016, the cleared and validated workforce is 63, 870.
Receiving the report, Bello lamented the colossal loss recorded by the state through the syndrome but promised that his administration had put a permanent stop to financial theft in the state.
He also promised that the state government was determined to re-position the state civil service to facilitate economic drive and growth of the state.
The governor,therefore, announced the setting up of an 11-Man Review Committee to entertain complaints that might arise from the screening and submit its report within 21 days

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Lord, if it’s your will to break up Nigeria, break it now – Oyedepo

The founder and presiding Bishop of the megachurch, Faith Tabernacle, Bishop David Oyedepo has invoked God’s curses on those fueling Southern Kaduna killings, saying God should break up Nigeria now if it is His will.
The Bishop who, during a ministration and while raining down curses on those promoting the wanton killings, equally said that God sent him to this continent as His apostle of liberation to stop it from decadence.
“God sent me as His apostle of liberation to this continent to stop it from decadence.”
“I heard from God and He has proved it beyond measure. Therefore, every occultic root, every political root of this uprising is cursed today!” The congregation shouted “Amen!”
Bishop Oyedepo “All the northern forces that are sponsoring this uprising and killings, i decree the curse of God upon them.” Congregation shouted “Amen!”
Speaks in tongues.
Continuing, he said,
”Lord, if it is your will to break up Nigeria, break it now!”
Speaks in tongues again.
To his members, he said,
“Come on, pray in the spirit everybody. Pray in the spirit, open fire, call down the Holy Ghost fire to descend on the camp of the enermy. Enough is Enough!”
Speaks in tongues again.
“If Nigeria wakes up, wait for the church to rise. There will be no more nation, what nonsense.”
“What demonic devils. What Islamic demons. If Nigeria waits for the church to rise, Nigeria will disappear as a nation.”
Speaks in tongue.
“You mean God cannot protect people?
What a mess!”
“Every agent of destruction in Government today, call fire down on their head, call fire down on their head.”
“Everyone sponsoring evil against the nation, let your fire fall on him!”
“A Boko Haram agent was captured and they said he escaped. Everyone connected to his escape, fire consume them, consume them, consume them!”
To his congregation, he said,
“Go ahead and pray.”
Prays in tongue.
“Fire of the Lord consume them!”
“I was even told from report that they were targeting this church. I said what?”
“Even if i was asleep, if you see anybody here kill him! Kill him and spill his blood on the ground. I am saying that to you, what nonsense, what devil. You think our God is an idol?”
The faithful shouted “No!”
“If I put fire on your tail to overrun the city, you will do it in one minute. What is that? What devil?”
“I stand today with every authority on me, and I declare the Boko Haram camp cursed!”
“I declare their collaborators cursed! I decree their sponsors cursed!”
“I declare their collaborators cursed. I decree their sponsors cursed!”
“Must the north continue to rule?” “What devils!”
“God has anointed me to lead a revolution against the Islamic jihadist and as the Lord liveth and as the anointing of Jeru-Baal that’s on me, we declare them extinct in the name of Jesus!”
“You catch anyone that looks like them, kill him!”
“There is no reporting to anybody. Kill him! Pull off his neck! And we spill his blood on the ground. What nonsense.”
“They said why should Christians say they could defend themselves, hold it! What stupid statement, why should Christians say they could defend themselves? So, they should watch for you to put a knife to their necks?”
“You think we are dummies? What! What?”
“All those zeros census they are fake. Where are the human beings?”
“Where are they? We go around the place. Where are they?”
“We’ve never had a successful census in this country. Where are they?”
“Don’t mistake only those in politics as in power. The anointed in the Lord are the ones in power. By divine ordination, don’t mistake that.”
“There was a king in the land but Elijah was determining the events of the nation.”
“If i say it will not rain here for three years, it will not drop. What nonsense!”
“Who born their mother, who born their father? They are too small.”
“Come! Get excited and walk in confidence. Any devil that misbehaves around you will be slain by the fire!”
A thunderous “Amen” echoed from the congregation.

Foils DSS plan to arrest Pastor Johnson Suleiman in Ekiti State

Ekiti State Governor and Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Governors’s Forum, Mr Ayodele Fayose, in the early morning on Wednesday foiled an attempt by operatives of the Department of State Services (DSS) from arresting Apostle Johnson Suleiman of The Omega Fire Ministries World wide in Ado Ekiti.

The firebrand Pastor was alleged to have been preaching against Islamizing Nigeria and asked members of his church in Auchi, Edo State to resist the killings by suspected Fulani herdsmen, who he alleged of targeting Christians for decimation.

The Pastor who was in Ado Ekiti for a two-day crusade that was also attended by Fayose was trailed after paying a courtesy visit to the governor at the Government House to his hotel room by the operatives of the DSS in Adebayo area of the State capital who almost forced their way to his room but were resisted by security men of the hotel that insisted to know their mission.

Ekiti State Governor and Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Governors’s Forum, Mr Ayodele Fayose and Apostle Johnson Suleiman of The Omega Fire Ministries World wide after the during arrest by DSS Sensing the danger, the Pastor was alerted and he called Governor Fayose who personally led a rescue mission to prevent the abduction of the Pastor and took him to safety. The Pastor who narrated his ordeal around 2am said, “I came to Ado Ekiti for a crusade. But I had a premonition that I was being trailed after I preached that Christians should retaliate any attack or killings by the Fulani herdsmen. These Fulani headmen had turned many Christians to orphans and widowers but the time has come to protect ourselves. “I received several calls from hidden numbers trying to locate where I am and I had warned my security not to allow any Fulani man to come nearer me. So when the men of DSS came in the middle of the night I knew their mission and I had to call the Governor because if they arrest me, they will put this country in fire”. Governor Fayose, who expressed surprise that a man of God was been trailed to be arrested by the men of DSS said, he expected the security operatives to invite him “ if they have any issue with him instead of arresting him in the dead of the night after a powerful and spirit-filled crusade in my State. The Governor said, “I personally attended his crusade and I think it is wrong for a man of God who is armless that could be invited if they have any issue against him. Are Christians and Moslems under different dispensation of the rule of law? . That’s why I went there to rescue him. Let them kill two of us together. But when they saw my vehicles and the crowd, they fled. “But we have information that instructions came from DSS in Abuja that the Pastor should be arrested. We are not in a fascist state, Federal Government must learn to respect the rights of Nigerians and freedom of expression”. Governor Fayose noted that it was unbecoming of the Federal Government to be harassing the clergymen in the country noting that the General Overseer of Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Pastor Enoch Adeboye was harassed and forced to resign shortly after he visited him in Ado Ekiti. He said, “This is unacceptable, We are in a democracy and Nigerians should warn the Presidency against putting this country on fire because religion is an emotional thing”. The governor also warned security operatives against intimidation and arrest of men of God in the interest of peace and religious harmony in the country. The constitution guarantees freedom of worship”.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

3-D TV is officially dead

Sometimes the consumer electronics industry tries to sell a new technology that consumers thoroughly reject — and as a result, it goes on the trash pile of products that were "before their time," to put it nicely.

Here's a great example: 3-D TV, which is officially dead. There are no more major TV-makers that make 3-D TVs anymore.

The last two TV-makers to build 3-D functionality into their sets, LG and Sony, will not build any new sets this year that can show 3-D movies and TV shows, CNET reports.

LG and Sony follow other TV-makers, including Vizio, Sharp, and TCL, that previously removed 3-D technology from their product lines.

In 2010, shortly after the success of "Avatar," the first 3-D blockbuster, TV companies started throwing their entire engineering and marketing might behind the 3-D tech. But ultimately, seven years later, "3-D capability was never really universally embraced in the industry for home use, and it's just not a key buying factor when selecting a new TV," an LG product director told CNET.

Now the TV industry is focusing on 4K, HDR, and smart-TV features as ways to entice buyers to upgrade their sets. In 2012, 3-D TVs accounted for 23% of all dollars spent on TVs, according to NPD Group.

Today, 3-D TV is used in the industry as a shorthand warning to those backing buzzy technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality, and wearables: Even if everyone is doing it doesn't mean it will catch on with consumers.

Some possible reasons 3-D TV never caught on:

Not enough content. DirecTV and ESPN stopped broadcasting their 3-D channels in 2013.

The glasses needed for 3-D were clunky and annoying, and they made people feel self-conscious while wearing them.

3-D TVs were and are perfectly good 2-D TVs, so 3-D features weren't often used.

3-D movies were closely associated with Blu-Ray discs as movie streaming started to gain traction.

3-D TVs need careful calibration and can cause eye strain.

Maybe it was always a gimmick. Ask yourself: Have 3-D effects ever really impressed you or affected your viewing experience?

Why I want Igbos to contest for presidency in 2019 – Obasanjo

Former president of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo, has urged Igbos to contest for the presidency in 2019.
He stated this when he hosted the leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Ogun State chapter, at his Abeokuta Hilltop residence on Tuesday.
Obasanjo said he was in support of the return to regional governance, as it will solve the problem of marginalization.
He also said the people of Ogun West senatorial district, should be allowed to produce the next Governor.
“Irrespective of the thinking of the people ahead of 2019, I personally think that South-East should have a go at the Presidency too.
“The same is happening here. If Ijebu and Egba have produced the governor, it is only fair and just to allow the Yewa or Ogun West to also produce governor. Or else, one day, they will also stand up and take up arms against this injustice against them. That is my personally position on this,” Obasanjo said.
Speaking on the crisis in Southern Kaduna, the former president said: “My findings so far show that everyone is talking from the position of strength. People are not talking from knowledge of what they know and this is not helping. We must be able to dump all our sentiments to overcome the challenges.
“Just like other cases of injustice around us, we need peace; it is only peace with justice that can solve all these crises. Genuine peace is what everyone is craving for and this can only come when there is justice.”

Second thought about Charcoal : To use,or not to use?

The rise in prices of cooking gas and kerosene is creating a demand for charcoal, whose price is likewise escalating – a development that translates to an increase in the felling of trees, a raw material for charcoal

The negativity in the use of charcoal surmounts the temporal alternative it serves in cooking. Felling of trees for production of charcoal is usually carried out without recourse to planting many more trees to replace the felled ones. This practice leads to deforestation which is a clear and present danger in the face of ever increasing risks of climate change.
For the past three weeks, cooking gas, which has been embraced by many in Benue State as a substitute to kerosene, has become a scarce commodity. The scarcity is said to be caused by the halt in production of gas in the country, thereby leaving only one avenue for its procurement through importation, a situation that looks to have skyrocketed the price. A 12.5 kg of cooking gas which went for N4,000 jumped to N5,000. Meanwhile, kerosene too went for as high as N270-N300 at filling stations and N350-N400 per litre at black market selling points.
To this end, many homes turned their focus to charcoal for cooking, which also shot the price up from N1,200 to N1,800 then to N2,000 per bag.
Away from the pricing mechanism which is hard to control, especially for cooking gas as it was recently confirmed by Secretary Petroleum Products Monitoring and Price Regulating Committee, Benue State, Mr Titus Dyaaiyol, in a monitored interview on radio not to be within their purview, there is need for the price of gas to reduce and be within reach of the common man. Invariably, if the price of cooking gas becomes affordable, more people will use it and desist from the use of charcoal with its harmful antecedents.
Charcoal is generally known as a dark or black form of carbon obtained by usually heating wood in an enclosed space without air. This charcoal is thereby used as fuel in cooking.
Not too long ago, many states such as Benue had forest reserves overlooked by the government, communities or certain families but all that is now in the past as scores of forest trees have been felled without replacement. In place of most forests in these areas are farmlands and homes.
In this regard, the expansionist need superseded the need of these forest owners in reserving the forests. They saw more gain in either felling the trees for timber, charcoal or simply expanding farmlands or homesteads.
As earlier stated, the rising cost of petroleum products such as kerosene and gas as well as the high cost of operating electric cookers obviously gave rise to Nigerians embracing the use of charcoal in locally made charcoal stoves popularly known as “Abacha Stove” since the mid-90s. These stoves have a hollow base where charcoal is stoked and lit. It usually takes a while for the embers to properly light but, once they do, they burn steadily. This process is said to cook food faster and better. Whether the aforementioned assertion is true or not, the use of charcoal in the long run attracts many environmental ills.
Charcoal making process is considerably easier and cheaper with little investment, hence, the rush by the private sector and locals into its production from the available resource in the environment. Most definitely, the cost of using charcoal may augur well for the community but the overall cost in terms of environmental damage cannot be overemphasised. Although, its use plays a major role in our economy and energy sector as an ideal fuel, charcoal is nevertheless a form of “dirty fuel.”
Suffice it to stress that charcoal is an in-efficient fuel to produce, and is un-clean. In comparison, charcoal stoves which are usually out-door used, in as much as they are more efficient to use than firewood stoves, still lag behind kerosene, electric and gas stoves.
In essence, the high use of charcoal according to experts results in the high consumption of wood which in turn results to more emission of CO2 (carbon dioxide) and CO (carbon monoxide). The question is how to produce sustainable basis charcoal without causing deforestation and create a neural carbon cycle. There is no gain saying the fact that deforestation comes with loss of wildlife and other environmental degradation ills such as desertification.
This booming charcoal business which is fueled by the poverty in the rural areas and sustained by the exploding population among the urban middle class and poor who find it cheaper to use charcoal in place of soaring kerosene and cooking gas price is not helping matters with climate change adaptation in Benue State. This brings to the fore the need for the National Environmental Standards Regulatory and Enforcement Agency (NESREA) under the Federal Ministry of Environment to step up its regulatory role of protecting forest resources as stipulated by the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wildlife and Flora (CITES). The Benue State Government too needs to step up its regulating of felling of trees and encourage aggressive tree planting to curb desertification effects.
If mitigating moves are not put in place by appropriate authorities in checking the charcoal business, our forests would soon disappear and do away with the traditional role of trees providing living things oxygen in the course of photosynthesis. More so, this anomaly coupled with other human activities is responsible for far reaching impacts of global warming and climate change.
To buttress this point, experts assert that only five percent of the country’s forest resource is standing, as those felled have not been replenished, as it ought to. Little wonder, governments usually organise tree planting events year in, year out but do not put properly managed and supervised machinery in place to sustain the growth of the trees.
By and large, as a matter of urgency, the introduction of clean and efficient cooking stoves among the Nigerian populace, especially the local ones, which will cut down about 80 percent of the use of fuel, will spur the country on the way to sustainable development and a cleaner and more environment friendly cooking practice.

Monday 23 January 2017

Abike Dabiri warns Nigerians to avoid Libya for now

Read the statement below...
The attention of the office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora has been drawn to a video and pictures being circulated on the purported killing of black immigrants in Libya. While the authenticity of the pictures and tapes in question cannot be verified, it is a known fact that Libya has been executing alleged black illegal immigrants for years.
As the Chairman Committee on Diaspora in the House of Representatives in the Seventh Assembly, we intervened in the case of 24 Nigerians about to be killed in Libya. The Committee, in collaboration with SERAP, an NGO, petitioned the UN, AU, ECOWAS, and Ghadaffi yielded to pressure and released them. As at two months ago, NEMA alongside, the Nigerian Embassy in Libya evacuated over 2000 Nigerians from Libya. The Nigerian embassy in Libya, working with NEMA has relentlessly intervened in cases involving Nigerians in trouble in Libya and will continue to do so. Libyans are dealing with their own struggles as there is no recognised government in place.
The office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora hereby appeals again to Nigerian migrants to avoid Libya as penalty for illegal migration to Libya, when caught, is usually a death sentence. Signed. Hon. Abike Dabiri-Erewa SSA to the President on foreign affairs and diaspora..

Sunday 22 January 2017

No woman wants to sleep with me – man with the largest manhood cries out (photos)

54-year-old Roberto Esquivel Cabrera has been tagged the man with the largest manhood in the world. His manhood measures 18.9 inches.

The SunUK reports that the Mexican's manhood measures 18.9inches. And sadly, this has not helped Roberto as he recently revealed that his 'instrument' does not allow him get a good job. He instead relies on food banks for sustenance.

However, Roberto is not ready for reduction as he is obviously interested in the fame that his size brings. Before now, American actor Jonah Falcon had the known largest penis in the world, measuring 9.5 inches flaccid, and 13.5 inches when erect. But Roberto hijacked the title from and became known with his larger manhood size in 2015 after he was filmed weighing his penis to prove its authenticity.

“I am famous because I have the biggest p*nis in the world. I am happy with it, I know nobody has the size I have. I would like to be in the Guinness Book of Records but they don’t recognise this record.”

But despite his pride, members of the medical community have urged him to at least consider a penile reduction. Doctor Jesus David Salazar Gonzalez said:
“We have advised him ‘Mr Roberto, the best thing for you is that the doctors give a normal shape to your p*nis so that it doesn’t hurt you, in order to have s*xual relationships, in order to have children.’ But he doesn’t accept it, he’d rather have a penis bigger than the rest of the people.
“In Latin culture whoever has the bigger penis is more macho. It’s something that makes him different to the rest of the people and makes him feels special. He was obsessed with the p*nis length.

“He began with this enlargement since he was a teenager, wrapping some bands around his penis with some weights and trying to stretch it.”

The length of Roberto's manhood has however made him suffer some health problems. Frequent urinary tract infections because not all his urine escapes his lengthy foreskin and even while asleep, his gargantuan manhood is an issue because he is unable to sleep chest down and has to put it on its own pillow to escape discomfort during the night. He also does not have an active s*x life as his manhood is too big to have intercourse. He said:

“Some people ask me if I put some condoms on it and the answer is: I cannot. I can never penetrate anyone because it is too thick.”

While living in the USA, Roberto did attempt to have s*x twice, but the first woman backed out as soon as she saw his penis and the other one had to stop because it was too painful. He said:

“I cannot wear a uniform like anybody in the companies and also I cannot get on my knees. I cannot run fast and so the companies think badly of me. They say that they will call me, but they never do.”

Roberto said the government has recognised him as disabled after initially dismissing his claim. He said:
“Every four months they give me some economic assistance but it is not enough. I visit the food banks everyday to take my meals at 12 ‘o clock.”

An adult entertainment company offered to pay for a reduction, but Roberto refused and says his goal is to to meet the right woman – and possibly launch himself as a p*rn star.

He added
“I am happy with my penis and I wish to go back to the USA and spend the rest of my life over there. I don’t feel sad because I know in the USA there is a lot of women. One of them will be the right size for me.

“I would like to be a p*rn star and I think I would make a lot of money over there. And the people are not like over here, they are more liberal: they don’t care about what I have in my pants.”

Big Brother Naija – Meet the housemates

Big brother naija kicked off officially today and we have some interesting personalities who made it to the house.
The next 11 weeks will be exciting, dramatic and you won’t want to miss this for anything. This year’s theme is ‘SEE GOBBE!’. There will be a lot to see from the contestants and the task they have to do in the house to win. 25 million naira is not easy in this ‘Buhari‘ time. Let us meet the housemates below.

She is an actress and she loves Van Vicker.

Just in case you didn’t know, he was once a dancer on Big brother naija 10 years ago. Dreams do come true!
He is an acclaimed choreographer, actor, writer and poet. He’s a self-confessed team player who believes in winning for all and celebrating good times.

She was the first one in the Big Brother Naija house. Born in Hammersmith, England, Uriel was sent to Nigeria soon after birth. She has four very diverse brothers ranging from serious business man to one that’s really cool, complete with hair and beads. She’s spontaneous, passionate with a nurturing nature too! She loves to cook, but hates cleaning up after cooking. She likes to think of herself as a master of organised mess!

He is a fitness trainer, a ship manager turned fitness entrepreneur. Kemen is Port Harcourt’s most sought after personal trainer. He trusts in converting hurt into motivation and uses his life to inspire self-care through sustainable agriculture and self-care. Kemen says he’s going to “invest and empower” if he wins the 25 MILLION Naira!

She is a rapper.
Cocoice has a very good relationship with her brother especially since their mother passed in 2001.
Having endured a few unlucky romantic relationships, she’s currently single and focusing on advancing her singing career. “I used to be all over the place emotionally but now I’m more controlled”.

He works as a Statistician but has plans to start his own digital content creation company. He says he’s doing Big Brother Naija 2017 because he doesn’t like stagnancy and enjoys rebelling and challenging himself. He adds that it’s one of the reasons why he’s living on his own in Lagos with the rest of his family in Abuja.
He has four siblings and doesn’t really consider himself that important since he’s the middle child. He credits this is as being one of the reasons he’s so chilled and easy going. He’s got a girlfriend but doesn’t really get to see her often because she’s a Lawyer and works long hours.

Born 11th out of 21 children, this Mass Communication graduate is royalty of her tribe Onne from Eleme. She’s single and her last relationship ended because she couldn’t handle the long-distance and they quarreled a lot. Her pet peeve is disrespect and it gets her really angry. “I’ve never been in fights; I’ll finish you with my

8 : SOMA
He is a Pastor and Musician’s son and a good singer himself. Soma has opened for several high-profile acts. He was inspired by his mom who also encouraged him to pursue a career in Music. He’d started studying at Port Uni but decided to defer his studies and focus on Science when he resumes since he loves gadgets. He’s in a long-distance relationship.

Abisola was once a contestant on MTN Project Fame, She also featured on Ndani TV’s Skinny Girl in Transit.
She had to move to rural Nigeria where she lived with cousins selling make up and she got another shot at the high life when she came fifth in a reality singing competition.
Bisola is also a mother of one – a 7 year old daughter who told her to go and come back with the N25million cash prize.

He is a chef with Red dish culinary in Nigeria.
This last born took to cooking by chance after his mother made sure that he spent time with her in the kitchen.
That quickly led to him cooking for his schoolmates and before he knew it he was in Culinary School and today he’s head chef. He’s been in a relationship with his girlfriend, also a chef, for two months now. He hates being taken for granted

11 : TBOSS
She is from Edo state, has 7 tattoos and over 7 piercings.
When she was in primary school boarding, she struggled with loneliness and making friends, often attracting the wrong crowd. Her dad was very strict and tough on her and her siblings but her mom was always soft spoken and sweet. She studied at the University of Lagos for nine months before going to Romania to complete her studies. She’s an occasional drinker.

You can catch big brother niaja 24/7 on Dstv channel 198 or Gotv channel 29. You can also catch the daily highlights at 7pm ie on African Magic channels.

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Wednesday 18 January 2017



Do you love your girl and you don't want another man to snatch her from you? Then do the following things:
1. Give her plenty of attention. If you give her attention, she will not seek for attention elsewhere. Chat with her online via social media or else another man will.
2. Give her listening ears whenever she is speaking to you. Avoid pressing your phone or reading a newspaper when your girl is talking to you.
3. Do not promise her and fail. Do not promise her what you cannot do. It is better for you to say you don't have than to promise and fail.
4. Do not be stingy. Avoid telling her that you don't have, you don't have all the time.
5. Be caring. To be caring does not only mean you should be giving her money. There are many ways of showing care; e.g show concern whenever she is sad or in problems; be by her side when she is in problems, do not abandon her in her days of sorrow.
6. Tell her daily that she is beautiful.
7. Tell her daily that you love her.
8. Play with her and joke with her daily.
9. Don't be too hard and don't be too soft. Scold her a little, and pet her a little. Do not over pet or over scold.
10. Love her siblings, and respect her parents.
11. Appreciate her when she helps you to do something.
12. Allow her to advise you, seek her suggestions and respect her opinions.
13. Respect her.
14. Do not take her for granted.
15. Do not cheat on her.
16. Play with her hairs
17. kiss her on her forehead, cheek and neck. It will pass a good message to her.
18. Let her sit  on your lap sometimes.

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Tuesday 17 January 2017

The worried woman needs your advice

Adaeze is 38-years-old and a single woman, not by choice but by the fact that the men she has been meeting are only after her money and body.
This is giving her father, a traditional ruler, cause for concern and has given her an ultimatum to get married » before the middle of this year.
Read her story here:
“My name is Adaeze, a 38-year-old single lady from the eastern parts of Nigeria. I like the way you guys treat letters sent in by your readers and I hope mine would be an exception.
I have a problem that is threatening to tear me apart from my family because of an ultimatum my father gave me in December that I must get married by June this year or he would cut all the ties that bind us.
It is not that I do not desire to get married and settle down with my family but the problem is that most men I have come across have all been after my money and body and at the end of the day, they all dump me.
I have a very good business where I import interior decoration items from Europe and make supplies to companies, hotels, and high profile homes.
I also have a thriving boutique and beauty parlor in Lekki area of Lagos, so I would say I have been very successful in business but not when it comes to relationships.
I know my problem is that I love emotionally and make sure I share everything with my man and even go to a great length to make him comfortable but in the end, I always have my fingers burnt.
I have cried bitter tears over broken relationships, lamented my fate and as it now, I have made up my mind not to have any serious relationship again. I would just get pregnant, have one or two kids and move on with my life as I can comfortably take good care of them.
But my father would not allow me to be. Being a traditional ruler in our place, he sees it as an abomination that his first daughter is not married while most of my younger sisters are married with children.
Now he has given me an ultimatum to bring home a husband by the middle of this year or he would disown me.
My worries now are: is it a must for a woman to get married? And should I just take any man to him just so he would be happy?
The teaser for the day was:
Is it a must for women to get married in Nigeria? »
How Nigeria voted:
Yes, marriage brings respect - 33%
No, a woman can be fulfilled without marriage - 21%
Our society gives respect to married woman - 16%
A woman can decide to be a single mother without getting married - 32%
How would you vote here?

Sunday 15 January 2017

Yoruba culture about Twins

In the Yoruba culture, twins (Ibeji) are believed to bestow happiness,�health and prosperity upon their family. Their upbringing is therefore far more permissive than that of other children.
The first born twin, is always called Taiwo, meaning ‘having the first taste of the world’, whereas the second is named Kehinde, meaning ‘arriving after the other’. Although being born first Taiwo is considered as the younger twin. The senior Kehinde sends out Taiwo to see what the outside world looks like. As soon as Taiwo has given a signal by crying, Kehinde will follow.
Kehinde is believed to be more careful, more intelligent and more reflective, while Taiwo is believed to be more curious and adventurous. Credit NIGERIAN Nostalgia

Saturday 14 January 2017

Sex Is Food

SEX IS FOOD!!!!!!! Read and Share

Sex is not all about making children. You must be a different woman to your husband every time. Seduce your husband, don't always allow your husband to ask for Sex, there must be no timetable for sex. Be creative, don't be predictable. Give him what he wants. If you loose influence over your husband, you have lost womanhood. Be part of your husband plans.
Don't have too many children, you wanna sell them ? Allow your husband to check in and out anytime.
When a man is sexually satisfied, he is emotionally stable. Stop saying, is it food ? Yes, sex is food !!!
As a wife, try to invest in yourself spiritually so you can adequately support him. Build yourself as his prayer warrior so that you will not be forced to pray at the end of your life. Don't allow your husband to provide all your needs, he is not a money making machine. Iron sharpens iron, try to reciprocate.
You are meant to support each other spiritually, financially, physically and morally through thick and thin. You are a builder....Wise woman buildeth her home. Women need wisdom to build their homes. Do not be too outspoken, know when to talk, when to listen and when to be quiet.
Love your husband with all your heart, never tell him, if not because of my children, remember you've known him before the arrival of those children.
Pamper your husband, put his head on your chest and pray for him. Give him unannounced kiss from the back.... mwahhhhhh, don't be too holy to kiss in the public. He is your husband for God sake. Be romantic joooo, it is good for the heart. Some people are not happy that you're happy in that marriage, proof them wrong that you love him and he is your crown, always feel good when you hold him. Don't look 50 while you're still under 40, it drives men crazy. Always keep fit regardless of your age or body.

To men:
Do not take a woman who does all these for granted!
Pamper her, pray for her, cherish her, love her, support her financially, make her feel like your woman! God bless you and your  marriages.

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Thursday 12 January 2017

28 Pictures and their weird facts #2

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